Mechanics of human embryo compaction - Nature
J. Firmin, N. Ecker, D. Rivet Danon, V. Barraud Lange, H. Turlier, C. Patrat, J-L. Maître, Nature (2024)

Reduction of cortical pulling at mitotic entry facilitates aster centration - preprint
A. Rosfelter, G. de Labbey, J. Chenevert, R. Dumollard, S. Schaub, Z. Machaty, L. Besnardeau, C. Hebras, H. Turlier*, D. Burgess*, A. Mcdougall*, J Cell Science 2024

Embryo mechanics cartography: inference of 3D force atlases from fluorescence microscopy - Nature Methods
S. Ichbiah, F. Delbary, A. Mcdougall, R. Dumollard, H. Turlier Nature Methods 20, 1989–1999.

Actin-driven protrusions generate rapid long-range membrane tension propagation in cells - Cell
H. de Belly, S. Yan, H. Borja da Rocha, S. Ichbiah, J.P. Town, H. Turlier*, C.J. Bustamante*, O.D. Weiner*, Cell 2023

Differentiable Rendering for 3D Fluorescence Microscopy - preprint
S. Ichbiah, F. Delbary, H. Turlier, arXiv:2303.10440

Dissecting the subcellular forces sculpting early C. elegans embryos - preprint
K. Yamamoto, S. Ichbiah, J. Pinto, F. Delbary, N. Goehring, H. Turlier, G. Charras biorRxiv 2023.04.12.536641

A viscous active shell theory of the cell cortex - J. Mech. Phys. Solids
H. Borja da Rocha, J. Bleyer and H. Turlier*, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2022

Blastocoel morphogenesis: a biophysics perspective - Semin. Cell Dev. Biol.
M. Le Verge-Serandour, H. Turlier* (2021) Blastocoel morphogenesis: a biophysics perspective. Semin Cell Dev

A hydro-osmotic coarsening theory of biological cavity formation - PLoS Comput. Biol.
M. Le Verge-Serandour, H. Turlier* (2021) A hydro-osmotic coarsening theory of biological cavity formation. PLoS Comput Biol 17(9): e1009333.

Hydraulic fracturing and active coarsening position the lumen of the mouse blastocyst - Science
J. Dumortier, M. Le Verge-Serandour, A.-F. Tortorelli, A. Mielke, L. de Plater, H. Turlier*, J.-L. Maitre*, Hydraulic fracturing and active coarsening position the lumen of the mouse blastocyst. Science 365, 465-468 (2019)

Unveiling the active nature of living-membrane fluctuations and mechanics
H. Turlier*, T. Betz*, Unveiling the active nature of living-membrane fluctuations and mechanics. Annual Reviews of Condensed Matter Physics 10, 213-232 (2019).

Fluctuations in active membranes
H. Turlier*, T. Betz*, Fluctuations in Active Membranes, in Physics of Biological Membranes, Editors: P. Basserau and P. Sens, Springer, pp. 581-619 (2018).

Asymmetric division of contractile domains couples cell positioning and fate specification
J.-L. Maître, H. Turlier, R. Illukkumbura, B. Eismann, R. Niwayama, F. Nédélec, and T. Hiiragi. Asymmetric division of contractile domains couples cell positioning and fate specification. Nature 536, 1–14 (2016).

Equilibrium physics breakdown reveals the active nature of red blood cell flickering
H. Turlier*, D.A Fedosov, B. Audoly, T. Auth, N.S. Gov, C. Sykes, J.-F. Joanny, G. Gompper and T. Betz. Equilibrium physics breakdown reveals the active nature of red blood cell flickering. Nature Physics 12, 513-519 (2016).

Mechanics of tissue compaction
J.-L. Maître, H. Turlier. Mechanics of tissue compaction. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 47, 110-117 (2015).

Pulsatile cell-autonomous contractility drives compaction in the mouse embryo
J.-L. Maître, R. Niwayama, H. Turlier, F. Nédélec, and T. Hiiragi. Pulsatile cell-autonomous contractility drives compaction in the mouse embryo. Nature Cell Biology 17, 849-855 (2015)

Mechanical checkpoint for persistent cell polarization in adhesion-naive fibroblasts
P. Bun, J. Liu, H. Turlier, Z. Liu, K. Uriot, J.-F. Joanny and M. Coppey-Moisan, Mechanical checkpoint for persistent cell polarization in adhesion-naive fibroblasts. Biophysical Journal 107, 324-335 (2014).

Furrow constriction in animal cell cytokinesis
H. Turlier*, B. Audoly, J. Prost, and J.-F. Joanny. Furrow constriction in animal cell cytokinesis. Biophysical Journal 106, 114-123 (2014)